Aizanoi in Phrygia




The Temple of Zeus  

According to the founding legend, Aizanoi was founded by Arcadian settlers. Archaeological evidence of settlement dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C., but a more extensive settlement was only established in Hellenistic times. Around 200 B.C., the area in which Aizanoi lies came to the Kingdom of Pergamum as Phrygia epiktetos ("acquired Phrygia"); at times it also belonged to Bithynia. The Pergamese kings settled mercenaries, who probably came from Macedonia. Together with its entire empire, the city entered the Roman province of Asia after 133 BC.


The famous relief in front of the Zeus temple  

Aizanoi experienced a great boom in the early imperial period. In particular, numerous public buildings were erected, such as a temple of Artemis Hagiotate in the middle of the 1st century AD, and the sanctuary of Zeus, the main god of the city, even before its end. It is largely preserved.


The vault under the Zeus temple  

On the walls of the cella there are remains of extensive inscriptions from the Hadrian period relating to the Shrine's property. Remarkable is a barrel vault with light windows underneath, which probably served as a cult room. Another important deity was the Meter Steunene, who was worshipped in a cave.


The Macellum  

Important building measures in the city are connected with a rich family of the city, especially Ulpius Appuleianus Flavianus and his son Ulpius Appuleius Eurycles. Eurycle was also an envoy to the Panhellenion in Athens, which Hadrian had established.
During this period, a large bathing and gymnasium complex was also built, as well as a water pipe leading to it.
Other public buildings were a round building, which served as Macellum (market building) and to which a copy of Diocletian's highest price dictation was attached, and a late antique (around 400 AD) column road.

The Column Street  



In addition, the bank of the Penkala was fortified and in 157 a bridge was built that still exists today.





The bridge over the Penkalas from the 2nd century A.D.




The theatre, in front of the stadium


In the 2nd century A.D. a theatre was also built in several construction phases, which was connected in an unusual way with the stadium in front of it.

Photos: @chim, Monika P.    
Translation aid:    
Source: Wikipedia and others